Mountain Peak Paranormal Investigations

Paranormal Investigations and Research

Cripple Creek District Museum — 2009 EVP’s Chap 2

Room the music was played.

During the same investigation where the MPPIR group spent time talking to a little ghost girl the sounds of a music box are recorded.

As a rule MPPIR members are not allowed to touch, move or play with anything in a Museum.  We consider museum artifacts an important part of history and anything that would put them at risk is not something we condone.  So when this music box started playing, to the astonishment of the investigators they thought it was the greatest thing.

Little did they know that not only was this a great piece of recording but it went beyond that!  As we found out later, there is only one music box in the Museum.  Its not located in the room in question and it is believed to be non-functional.  If it was working, researching into the broken box has lead us to believe this maybe the wrong tune.

Also the investigators swore up and down they saw the music box on the mantle place (see picture).  There is no music box on that mantle.   I will admit I took the picture a year later, but the Museum director swore that there has never been a music box displayed on the fireplace mantle.  Odd I say, because not only do the investigators see the music box, they can hear it too.

And now you can without headphones:

©2009, MPPIR, Blog:  Frank C, EVP:  Ric R

Cripple Creek District Museum
P.O. Box 1210 ~ 500 East Bennett Avenue
Cripple Creek, Colorado 80813
719-689-2634 ~ 719-689-9540

4 responses to “Cripple Creek District Museum — 2009 EVP’s Chap 2

  1. Mark Sturgill July 1, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    that is the creaking of the floor. There were no donkeys around at the time of the investigation. This was one of MPPIR earlier investigations, meaning we will still working on our techniques and better was to limit contamination from walking and old building noise.

  2. Sarah and Art Savage July 1, 2011 at 11:29 am

    That truly seems to be a remarkable piece of evidence. Does anyone else hear what sounds like hoof prints being heard close by? Could be mules outside but I’m not sure.

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